Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How to Paint Tomb Kings

In reponse to a BOLS post.

Hi, probably not the best way but this is the way I do them.Firstly I don't join the two sides until the end.

1. Chaos Black Undercoat
2. Khemri Brown Basecoat
3. Heavy Drybrush of Bleached Bone
4. Wash Devlan Mud into Joints, Neck, Eyes, & Mouth.
5. Highlight the Edges around joints, head and ribs with B. Bone.

Base is just neat GW sand and base edge in Khemri.

For Shields etc. I use the Scab Red (basecoat Scorched Brown, Highlight Blood Red) theme.

They don't look too bad and no they are not smiling, they look fierce :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

WW2: Airfix Forward Command Post

As mentioned earlier, finally finished off my Command Post. I must say I enjoyed building this, although on the battlefield it is rather small. It's nice to add in my fuel dump and Italeri battlefield buildings to build a decent sized encampment. I always like to leave out the diorama figures so I don't have to worry about including them in the game. I particularly liked the look of the GW dheneb stone and tamiya weathering. Another one done I guess.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tamiya Paints

I have lost all hope for Tamiya acrylics for use on any of my models, they have some redemption in their use as a sprayable paint but not straight onto a model. I am now only going to purchase Vallejo, sooo much cheaper than GW and GW paints. So I would not recommend them, their thinner yes but don't waste your money on Tamiya paints.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

High Elves: White Lion Lord

Hi, found this on another blogspot, converted by, thought it was worth sharing due to its unbelieveable awesomeness. Going to have a go myself, I'll post the bits used for those interested. Will be going for an axe rather than sword so as to match the white lion theme.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Workshop: Thunderhawk

Unfortunately, no luck with the 3mm MDF in any of the hardware stores, only 6mm but..... I did see a sheet material that Antenociti recommends. It is a foamed PVC board, very strong, makes foamboard look like cereal packet cardboard, apparently. The only thing is, it is bloody expensive trying to get it over here from the UK and Antenociti's postage rates don't help. I did however find a company in Ireland that make this type of board for signage and I will let you know how I get on.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Workshop: Tamiya Scriber

Hi, I buy most of my hobby tools and materials from Antenociti's Workshop on Their postage to Ireland can be steep for small orders but it saves to restrain your spending until you need a good few bits. Anyway I just bought a new item, a Tamiya plastic scriber. This tool, pictured, scores plastic sheet and all you need do is snap off the size you need. I highly recommend this tool, it saves on blunting your craft knives and removes the frayed edge that a blade gives in plastic, so its a gud'un.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Water Tank Painted

Hi, finally finished off the water tank, I chose a water tank as it seems easier to avoid questions regarding an exploding fuel tank. So what I used to paint it.

Undercoated with Plasticoat matt black, I use this on a lot of terrain especially plaster pieces.
Drybrushed with GW Boltgun Metal.
Painted the tank GW Midnight Blue as basecoat.
Painted the supports GW Codex Grey and Drybrushed Fortress Grey.
Finished the tank with GW Regal Blue and used GW Badab Black for Detailing.

I then added Imperial decals and weathered using Tamiya Rust and Mud. I doesn't look too bad, another addition to the Imperial Guard F.O.B.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Workshop: Thunderhawk

So yes I got distracted from the design of the warhound and started on a thunderhawk, this happens alot with me. Luckily I have a program called SolidWorks that allows me to create 3D models before I build, you would think this would save me a few problems in the future but no.

The plan is to build the frame of the fighter/transporter/paperweight from 3mm MDF board which is difficult to source in Ireland, rumours have it that B&Q stock some. I will use thin plasticard to provide the panelling details and bits from a SM predator for weapons and doors.

If I ever get that far I hope to post plans for it construction.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Workshop - Imperial Guard Sentries

hi, next up on the workshop table will be my imperial guard sentries. Possibly my first large conversion project, but most definitely looking forward to it. I have been building up (slowly) an imperial outpost of decent size, with barracks, command bunker, comms bunker, armoury, landing pad, and mech. repair station. With the new IG cadian shock troops being reduced from 20 per box to 10 (for shame), I will be comverting a box of 10 into sentries for my new Forward Operating Base. Equiped with binoculars (SM scouts bits) and ponchos (Green stuff). Hopefully this will be complete in the next month or two, unless I am distracted by a shiny new Valkyrie.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Warhound Titan

hhhmmmm, I have been eyeing up Forgeworlds Wolf Class Warhound Titan for some time now, it is pretty cooool to say the least, but I'm finding it hard to procure one, possibly due to my lack of £300. So I have set out to build one from scratch, armed with nothing more than pictures and assembly instructions of the original. So stay tuned for my progress. Coming up, hopefully my next post will have pictures of my latest project, the Airfix (1/76 scale) Forward Command Post for my WW2 wargaming.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Water or Fuel Tank

Hi, given it's Easter I decided to make a Water Tank out of a Large Kinder Egg Shell. The supports are made from Foam-Core and banding from Corn Flakes cardboard ( I use only the best). There are many techniques for making rivets but I much prefer the Hole Punches made by Fiskars, I got mine on ebay. I hope to have a painted pic in the future. Same bat-channel.

Friday, March 20, 2009

And so it begins...

Greetings and salutations, Hello all, hopefully this will be the first of many posts to come. I have not seen too many Irish wargaming sites so I have taken it upon my stumpy shoulders to set up this here blog site to unleash my wargame projects unto the masses. apologies in advance. So what is my poison, I collect warhammer fantasy battles, 40K, Epic 40K and I dabble in WWII wargaming in 72nd scale. So please feel free to comment and see if we can muster more troops.